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Why is uploading to my site slow? / Why is my web site going slow?
If your web site is running slow or uploading to your web site is slow then in 99.9% of cases we find it isn't due to the website itself. So we`d recommend going through the following checklists to find out what is going on.

Fortunately as our web sites are connected to the back bone of the internet, in the vast majority of cases if it`s running slow then the problem isn`t on your web site itself. The checklists below should help resolve your queries.

First, please check if your internet connection is running slowly

If your internet connection in general is running slowly, then this will cause you problems not just with your website, but with anything on the internet.

Most of the time when clients say their website is running slowly it is because their connection to the internet is running slowly. Please check this first by following the steps below:-

1) You can check how fast your internet is running by doing a free speed test, provided by a company called Ookla. To do a speed test....
2) Your internet would be deemed as running slowly if...
    1. The "download" speed is less than 20mb
    2. The "upload" speed is less than 5mb

3) As a guide...
    1. A "fast" internet connection would look something like this...
      1. A download speed of 500mb
      2. An upload speed of 50mb
    2. A "medium" internet connection would look something like this
      1. A download speed of 100mb
      2. An upload speed of 10mb
    3. A "slow" internet connection would look something like this
      1. A download speed of 20mb
      2. An upload speed of 5mb
    4. If your connection is running any slower than this, then it has a severe problem

4) If your internet is running slowly it may be because:-
    1. You are using a public WiFi (eg in a cafe or something) and lots of people are using it
    2. You're too far away from your wireless router
    3. Your computer is uploading lots of stuff to the internet at the same time
    4. Somebody else is using your internet connection and that is slowing it down
    5. You have a virus or trojan on your computer slowing down your internet connection
      1. Check for viruses using AntiVirus software
      2. Please contact whoever looks after your computers for you to advise on AntiVirus software

  1. Please note we do not provide internet connections so if your internet is running slowly you will need to consult with whoever provides your internet connection

Uploading pictures/files to your web site is slow:-

Firstly, make sure none of the above applies. Then check the check list below:-

  1. Is your internet connection running slowly?

    1. Please check as above in the section "Please check as per the "First, please check if your internet connection is running slowly" above

  2. Check how big the pictures/files are

    1. The bigger they are the longer they will take to upload!

    2. For information on the best sizes of images to use, please click here

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